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My Classroom

Classroom Management

Star Artist

At the end of every class period, one student will be chosen as star artist. This is done to positively reinforce a student who has demonstrated perseverance, creativity, or good behavior. Through out the year, every student will be chosen.

Artist of the Week

Each week, ten students will have the opportunity to display their artwork in the classroom, as artists of the week. Seeing their art reinforces the fact that they are part of a community and that their work is worth displaying. 

Class Palette

The “Class Palette” management system is a 5 point-based system where each paint splotch represents student behavior that is expected during the class period. For example, listening to the teacher, showing effort, and cleaning up.

Building Community

In order to build our classroom community, I will put emphasis on collaboration. One easy way to do this is through the arrangement of the desks. By placing the students in clusters of four to six, students can get to know each other. This collaboration would be furthered with emphasis on group art projects throughout the rest of the year. As explained by educator, Michael Ralph, “Students learn to appreciate each other’s contributions and unique skills...These projects are a great way to build relationships among students, staff, and community members.”


I also believe that in order to form a community it’s important to make more personalized connections with the students. Morning greetings is one way to assess the students’ physical and emotional state. In addition to this, I would like to create visual journals with each student. At the beginning of class, students may have the ability to draw and write in response to a prompt. These journals would be turned in each week for me to respond to. As explained by educator, Michael Ralph, “teacher excitement to get to know students can yield big benefits for just a small time investment. When students believe the teacher cares about the work he or she does and who the students are, they’re more likely to mirror that interest in their classwork.” By doing this, students can feel heard. Not only that, but this process also ensures student safety.

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